Anahita. Goddess of spring relationships equality fertility and sexuality.
This Babylon Goddess of fertility embraces the attributes of fruitful warm waters that flow from the celestial realms into our lives especially as the earth is renewed. Her name translates as ‘humid immaculate one’ is depicted as a strong maiden who creates life and pours blessings. During the height of Babylonian civilization She was also the patroness of civic prostitutes.
She ruled over all the waters – rivers streams lakes and the sea as well as the life-giving fluids of mankind such as semen and mother’s milk. Rivers and lakes were sacred to Her as they were thought to be the waters of birth.
She is dressed in golden robes complete with jewels and a halo crown or diamond tiara sometimes carrying a water pitcher. She was viewed as the “Golden Mother” and also as a warrior maiden. The dove and the peacock are Her sacred animals.
Anahita’s name was eventually forgotten replaced by Bibi Shahrbanu’s though her shrines continue to draw visitors and supplicants who touch the waters and rocks associated with divinity in hopes of answered prayers. Her legacy continues however in the rites of modern-day Zoroastrianism where she is still honored in the rituals which include the ancient veneration for the goddess of water who provided the essential elements for life on earth.