Andromeda. Goddess and princess of dreams in Greek mythology.
Andromeda is the daughter of the king Cepheus and his wife Cassiopeia. When Cassiopeia boasts that Andromeda is more beautiful than the Nereids Poseidon sends the sea monster Cetus to ravage their coast as divine punishment. Andromeda is chained to a rock as a sacrifice to sate the monster but is saved from death by Perseus who marries her and takes her to Greece to reign as his queen.
Athena promises that Andromeda will have a place in the sky after her death. When Andromeda dies Athena keeps her promise and places Andromeda in the sky within the Andromeda constellation. The Andromeda constellation is fittingly located between the Perseus constellation and the Cassiopeia constellation.
There are additional constellations located within the Andromeda galaxy that are related to this legendary princess.