Dodola. Goddess of the rain in Slavic mythology.
Dodola is the Slavic goddess of rain the wife of the thunder god Perun and has control not only of the rains but of lightning also. She is said to wield her lightning of her husband in order to punish those who were violent or disrespectful of their wives and women.
Slavs believed that when Dodola milks her heavenly cows (the clouds) it rains on earth. Each spring Dodola is said to fly over woods and fields and spread vernal greenery decorating the trees and earth with blossoms.
Dodola was invoked through the act of dancing and singing particularly during periods of drought. The goddess would be worshipped and specific songs and dances performed in her honour in order to encourage her to visit them bringing the rains with her.
More specifically young girls would undress put flowers in their hair and clothe themselves only in various combinations of flowers leaves and herbs to perform this rainmaking ritual. The girls were led by the oldest girl through the village. They would usually stop in front of each house to dance and sing the special Dodole songs. The housewives would then spill water on the group leader while she would spin around and sprinkle it all over the yard. The girls were then rewarded with gifts of flour food and sometimes even money. This pagan ritual is still performed in certain rural parts of Serbia.