Durga is a spirit of fertility and protection. She provides wealth eliminates obstacles and enemies and helps attain desires.
An immensely popular and beloved goddess Durga originally a ferocious tribal spirit was incorporated into the Hindu pantheon as the fierce warrior path of Parvati. Durga removes physical mental and spiritual pain and misery. She laughs in the face of evil spirits and they flee. Those that defy her are quickly dispatched and if Durga can't eliminate them her alter and sister spirit Kali can. Durga is a spirit of fertility and protection.
She is usually depicted with a lion and 8 or 10 arms each holding the special weapon of one of the gods who gave them to her for her battle against the buffalo demon.
An annual fair is held during the nine-day Durga festival in Mahuadham in Bihar India where those af- flicted or obsessed by malevolent spirits ghosts or vampires can be healed exorcised or otherwise protected.