Feronia. Goddess of the wildlife fertility health and abundance.
Shes an ancient Italian divinity who originally belonged to the Sabines and Faliscans and was introduced by them among the Romans. Greek writers as usual describe her as of Greek origin.
As the goddess who granted freedom to slaves or civil rights to the most humble part of society she was especially honored among plebeians and freedmen.
She was also a fire goddess ruling the heat of reproductive life as well as the fires beneath the earth’s crust. At her festival on November 13th great fairs were held and first fruits offered, freedom was bestowed on slaves, men walked barefoot across coals to the cheering of crowds.
The energy of Feronia could not be contained within cities and her sanctuaries were therefore in the open country. So unsociable was she that when her Campanian forest shrine once burned and her worshipers planned to remove her temple to the safety of a town the goddess instantly restored the charred trees to leafy greenness. Unfortunately since information is scarce on this goddess I didnt have much to go off on so I hope that you like my interpretation of her!