This doll is the incarnation of female power which is in wisdom the inner call to protect the family. And even it sounds mysteriously, the Ukrainian motanka establishes a link between generations. It is believed to be a sacramental symbol passing on a branch of the genus to protect from evil for health and welfare... So if you inherit the motanka be sure that all the energies of the family are now protecting your home.
A motanka doll is one of the oldest symbols of Ukrainian culture. Along with the towel the doll performed an important function an amulet. It is this factor that determined the main characteristics and methods of their creation. The name of the motanka doll is due to the fact that the manufacturing technology is not in sewing but in winding threads and stitches. To the ability to make dolls were taken very seriously and responsibly therefore taught this craft from childhood.
Very often people created dolls in order to ward off trouble or illness from a person or family. In this regard it was customary to make figurines faceless in order to actually protect. In no case was it allowed to give the doll a human face because it should not be like anyone else that would not do harm.
The motanka doll performs many symbolic roles. So for example it is believed that the doll plays the role of mediator between the living and those who are no longer in this world or vice versa has not yet appeared. Particular attention was paid to wedding motorcycle dolls. They were dressed in accordance with all the wedding traditions necessarily in pairs and served not only the charms of the new family and their home but were also a symbol of the continuation of the family. When the young woman got married she was allowed to play with dolls until her children appeared and the more she played the better. This symbolized the appearance in the family of healthy and strong children. When babies were born the motanka doll naturally were passed on to them.
According to the beliefs when a person was sick they gave him a specially made motanka doll. After the illness was gone the doll was burned considering that it took over all the ailment and negative energy. Also often prepared individual dolls for carrying out numerous rituals in which all objects or things from which the person wanted to get rid of were woven and they were also drowned in water or burned at the stake.
Each motanka doll should be dressed in an embroidered shirt petticoat and spare. All elements are selected in accordance with regional and geographical features each of which individually also acts as a guard. For example a skirt is a symbol of the earth a shirt denotes three life-time past present and future. Obligatory are also such attributes as different necklaces or embroideries which represent well-being and prosperity. And of course an indispensable element of clothing is a headdress. It can be a hat or a scarf or something else but the headpiece must be present on the doll since it symbolizes the connection with the sky.