Petrify the patriarchy! One of my favorite mythological female figures with a very sad and misunderstood story. Here's a short overview for those of you who arent familiar: Medusa was originally a beautiful woman who many men lusted after but she turned them all down in order to respect Athena as she was a priestess at her temple and had to remain a virgin to be one. Unfortunately Poseidon after numerous rejections from Medusa took it upon himself to have her forcefully. When Athena heard of this she punished Medusa by turning her beautiful long hair into snakes and her gaze into one that will petrify anyone she looks at dooming the rest of Medusas life into one in exile making her into a Gorgon. Some say she did this to protect Medusa but I dont believe so given that she eventually gave Perseus the only weapon that could slay her. Poseidon should've been punished but since he's an almighty god he got away with it. Sadly this story resonates with todays world. Men in higher power (or no power at all) have used women numerous times and gotten away with it leaving the women to deal with the aftermath and often even criticism from others. As Nikita Gill so perfectly wrote: "... Perhaps the truth about Gorgons is they are just women women who do not bend to the world or fit into the narrow mould you want them to. Maybe that's why you demonized them turned them into monsters because you think monsters are easier to understand than women who say no to you."