Angrboda. Goddess death and destruction as well as birth and life. Angrboda's name is related to "foreboding." This witch goddess is a mysterious fiercely independent private spirit. It is not clear which if any of her known names is her true one. She may or may not be the same goddess as Gullveig. The two star in different but related myths that if strung together form a cohesive narrative. (There are also those who perceive them as independent completely distinct spirits.) Not only is Angrboda's identity unclear but she is also virtually impossible to classify: she may be a giantess a troll-queen a member of the Vanir pantheon or some or all of the above. She may be Loki's twin sister. She may be something so old she defies definition. She is a shapeshifter which accounts for some of this confusion. Angrboda is a spirit of death and destruction as well as birth and life. She is Freya's personal messanger. When a childless king and queen petition Freya's help she sends Angrboda to them in the form of a crow bearing an apple of fertility. The queen quickly conceives and bears a healthy child.
Angrboda's children include Hel Queen of Death the Midgard Serpent the Fenris Wolf and the wolves responsible for solar and lunar eclipses. Other sons are identified as werewolves. She is the grandmother of trolls.
Angrboda is a weather deity capable of raising storms. As the Hag of the East Winds her songs drive ships right into storms. She can be petitioned for lessons in magic and to foretell future events. Her favored people are witches and those who protect wolves.