Artemis. Goddess of wild animals wilderness the hunt childbirth the moon and virginity. She was also the protector of young children and was know to bring and relieve disease in women. Her Roman counterpart is goddess Diana.
Artemis was worshipped as one of the primary goddesses of childbirth and midwifery. Artemis preferred to remain a maiden and is sworn never to marry. She much more cared for the wild and animals than love.
Artemis has been depicted as a young woman carrying a bow and arrows often being accompanied by a deer one of the many animal she considered sacred.
She was an avid wildlife protector and would seek vengeance upon those who brought harm to animals regardless of who they were.
Many stories with her evolve around her transforming individuals into animals. One of which featured the hunter Actaeon. Artemis was bathing in the woods when the hunter Actaeon stumbled across her thus seeing her naked. Once seen Artemis got revenge on Actaeon: she forbade him speech — if he tried to speak he would be changed into a stag. He called out to his hunting dogs but was immediately transformed. At this he fled deep into the woods his own hounds running after him not recognizing him. The dogs ripped Actaeon into pieces.
Artemis was a fair and just goddess but if someone did wrong by her she didnt hesitate to make them pay.