Athena. Goddess of wisdom handicraft and warfare.
She is known most specifically for her strategic skill in warfare and is often portrayed as companion of heroes and is the patron goddess of heroic endeavour.
Athena was born from Zeus after he experienced an enormous headache and she sprang fully grown and in armour from his forehead. She has no mother but one of the most commonly cited stories is that Zeus lay with Metis the goddess of crafty thought and wisdom and then swallowed her whole as he feared she will give birth to a child more powerful than him because of a prophecy – but she had already conceived.
Athena was the favourite daughter of Zeus and perhaps the wisest most courageous and certainly the most resourceful of the Olympian gods.
She is closely associated with Athens the citynamed in her honour after the people of Attica chose her as their patron following her gift of the olive tree symbol of peace and plenty. Objects associated with the goddess include an owl - symbol of wisdom - and the olive tree. She is often depicted in art holding a spear.