Circe. Goddess of magic though also sometimes depicted as a nymph a witch or an enchantress. In any case she was associated with magic.
She knew a lot about potions and herbs and sometimes used this knowledge against her enemies and people who offended her turning them into wild animals. Also refferred to as Kirke her name is derived from the Greek verb kirkoô meaning "to secure with rings" or "hoop around"--a reference to the binding power of magic.
Her story isnt an easy one. With a not so loving mother and an absent father who both feared her. After some unfortunate events her father eventually
drove her to an island in the far west Aiaia (Aeaea).
Alone abandoned and with problems all around Circe could have chosen to meekly go about her business. However she instead became a woman isolated by but not ashamed of her powers. Circe taught herself to be a pharmakeia expert in plant magic. She tamed the wild beasts on the island including lions (panthers etc.) and wolves. She took advantage of her isolation to develop her full capabilities.
To the ancient Greeks and Romans she was a powerful witch highly skilled in necromancy prophecy illusion and magical herbalism. Turn to Circe to connect with your internal eternal witch and to petition her favor over all sorts of magic.
The story on Circe is very long and interesting and I highly recommend that you look it up with your own time as there is just so much to learn and I honestly dont even know how to possibly sum it up in a single post so most of it comes through. I recommend "Circe" by Madeline Miller its a beautiful retelling of her story.
""I see witches as women who have more power than society thinks they should have. They have an amount of power that makes society uncomfortable. They have gone beyond the very small space that society has put them in and they have said 'forget that I am going to create my own power. I am going to forge my own path. I am going to define my own life. And so in that sense I think we should all be witches." - @madeline.miller