Eir. Goddess of healing in Norse Mythology. As a Valkyrie Eir accompanied her battle-sisters. While the other Valkyries chose the slain Eir would choose who would live and recover and return to health.
Folk tradition holds that Eir was invoked in healing rituals using a white flower known as Eirflower. She is associated with copper which was used in healing ceremonies. Hence I have added her holding a white flower camomile to be exact. Since there is no Eirflower in the plant spieces (as far as my research skills go) I figured that it might as well have been another word for camomile as camomile has many known healing benefits. On the other hand she is holding a sack of copper which she can use during healing rituals. Around her neck is a sharp object either a bone or rock that she uses to cut plants for harvesting.
I've also surrounded her by well known medicinal herbs such as thyme st.johns wort and echinacea.
Fun fact: before the rise of the male dominated medical institutions of Europe the healing and medical care of the community in Norse and Germanic countries was largely the sphere of women. Although the Sagas record several male healers during the pagan period the role of doctor was women’s work while men were usually nurses or helpers. If you wish to call upon Eir you should light a red or green candle as It was common to do so while praying for healing.