Eve. Eve’s story as it has been passed onto us from the bible makes her responsible for humankind’s being cursed for all time. The story as our culture sets it up is that the serpent is an evil tempter with Eve as a weakling co-conspirator. Both Eve and the serpent are considered guilty parties responsible for their own drawing down of the curse.
There are many mythic themes packed into the short tale of Eve’s garden. Among the most powerful yet the most hidden is the relationship of Eve to both the serpent and the tree.
The Great Mythical Tree of Life shows up in all cultures from Yggdrasil in Norse mythology to the Bodhi tree where Buddha found enlightenment to numerous others throughout the world. The bible popularized two trees in Eden the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life.
Depending on how Eve’s name is transliterated into English it is Hawah or Chavah meaning "Life". There is a tree in The Garden that bears her name – the Tree of Life. Rather than forbidden fruit this Tree of Life/Eve is named after Her. It is her tree.
Eve doesn’t need the permission of a deity or anyone else to eat from her own tree. It is her right. More than her right it is an expression of her essence. The Tree of Life in Hebrew is phonetically ets ha-hay-him using the plural form of Eve’s name. The plural in Hebrew can mean more than one as it does in English. And it can also mean a single something that is grander and bigger than others of its type. This is the Tree of Grand Expansive Life the great mystery of life’s creation.
The two trees are Eve’s gift to humanity. There is no curse unless some religious entities name it so or if people believe it to be true. This is instead our greatest blessing – LIFE here on Earth.
"She is a tree of life to those who embrace her and those who lay hold of her are blessed."
Proverbs 3:18 (Berean Study Bible) // Source: Eve is the Hero of the Garden of Eden Part 1 by Janet Maika’i Rudolph