Fortuna is the Roman form of Greek Tyche. While the Greeks envisioned Tyche as beneficiary but a random being for Romans Fortuna was a major cult goddess and was honored with a celebration known as the Feast of Fortuna which takes place on June 24th.
The original Italian deity was probably regarded as the bearer of prosperity and increase. As such she resembles a fertility deity hence her association with the bounty of the soil and the fruitfulness of women. Frequently she was an oracular goddess consulted in various ways regarding the future. Fortuna was worshiped extensively in Italy from the earliest times.
Fortuna was usually depicted holding a cornucopia or a horn of plenty from which all good things flowed in abundance representing her ability to bestow prosperity. Sometimes she is blind as an acknowledgment that good luck does not always come to those who seem to most deserve it.
She’s a fascinating figure because she represents so many things. She’s also not entirely positive and not entirely negative which pretty much sums up the nature of chance. Some consulted her about the future and some temples featured oracles to divine people’s fortunes.