Hel. Goddess in norse mythology who rules over the underworld where many of the dead dwell.
This piece isnt as colorful and fun as my other ones but I felt that she needed to be brought out in this Goddess series that im doing as I feel that she doesnt get enough recognition since many people tend to avoid anything to do with death which is a shame because death is a part of life as anything else. Anyway lets get to describing her in this illustration I've done:
She is described has half skeleton half normal. Or half white half black. Thats why one half of her is dead and gray while the other is alive and normal.
All the dead must pass through her as she decides whether they shall go to Valhalla or stay in Hel. Staying in Hel with her however is not a torturous burning eternity as it is described in other religions such as Christianity. It's rather just a somewhat boring place to be. So hence the big gate in her dress that leads you to the unknown.
The gate is guarded by Hels hound or wolf Garm. Little is known about him since the references to him are sparse and vague.
Those who stay in Hel with her are illustrated by the hands holding and somewhat caressing her hair as she is now their Goddess and mother.
Roots of Yggdrasil (the world tree) run through the bottom of the dress as she rules over the underworld the bottom of the great tree.
Unlike the other goddesses I've drawn holding something over their head Hel appears to be holding nothing. But she is because even the void is something. That is to symbolise the unknowingness of what comes after life in death.