Hestia. Goddess of hearth the domestic affairs and home.
She was also known as the goddess of sacrificial flame and was honoured with receiving first offering at every sacrifice in household. When Greeks were colonising and making new settlements there was a custom to take the flame from Hestia's public hearth in the mother city and carry it to a new founded city. Nowadays it is known as the Olympic torch which is to be held and carried at the Olympic games ceremony. It is not allowed to burn out just like it wasn't in Ancient Greece. The flame of Hestia was tended constantly in order to prevent it from going out. It was believed that if the flame had extinguished it would bring a cold and barren existence.
Hestia grew in grace and beauty and followed the path of her nature. During her time she was courted in vain by Poseidon and Apollo. However she pledged herself to eternal virginity and was therefore offered a place on Mount Olympus.
However with the new coming younger gods their desire and preference to live on Mount Olympus grew despite it only being limited to twelve spaces. Hestia decided to leave and give her place to Dionysus to keep peace in between the gods. Hence why she is often referred as the forgotten goddess.
While other gods and goddesses were out adventuring across the world Hestia much rather preferred to be home and tend to its needs. Because she didn't leave her home much she had no desire to become the patron of any city. Instead she placed the sanctuary in every city to protect those who are in need of help. This sanctuary was in open-air public place and with no roof. This altar soon became a sacred place to her followers. In the centre of the sanctuary also called a hearth sacrificial flame was established and people gathered around it.
Hestia was an exceptional goddess light-hearted non-judgemental and forgiving. It was also her habit to offer strangers a shelter and protection when needed. Just because she isnt mentioned in many of the stories as opposed to the other Greek goddesses doesnt make her any less important. She should be remembered and honored. ??