Isis. Goddess of fertility magic love childbirth and motherhood as well as protectress of children and the dead.
Isis is an ancient Egyptian goddess who became the most popular and enduring of all the Egyptian deities. Her name comes from the Egyptian Eset ("the seat") which referred to her stability and also the throne of Egypt as she was considered the mother of every pharaoh.
Depicted as a slim woman wearing a sheath dress she is often shown with a throne on her head. As her divine roles diversified her appearance would change. Hathor an early Egyptian goddess of motherhood was often shown with a solar disk and cow horns. As Isis became closely linked to maternity her headdress morphed and became like Hathor’s. Isis’s ability to absorb new traits would prove valuable to the longevity and spread of her worship throughout the ancient world.
Isis’s principal aspect was that of magician. Her magical prowess was far stronger than that of any other god or goddess.
Isis’s priestesses and priests were midwives and healers. They were rumored to have magical powers. It was believed that they controlled the weather by braiding or not combing their hair. (Ancient Egyptians believed that knots had magical powers).
Isis is a goddess who is a totally timeless expression of the Divine Feminine, she is as relevant today as she was in ancient times. Devoted to empowering others Isis supports the awakening of humanity. She brings value and respect to the roles of wife and mother is the patron of magic nature and healing and is considered a protector of the dead. It is said that Isis stretches her wings over the foot of the casket to protect the dead.
Isis had a central role in Egyptian magic spells and ritual especially those of protection and healing. When her son Horus was wounded she healed him with the power of her milk and that became a standard feature of Isis’s healing spells that invoked the curative powers of the milk of Isis. Together with the god Thoth she taught mankind the secrets of medicine.
The ancient Egyptian goddess has many gifts to share with modern men and women and is a symbol of the return of the Divine Feminine. Isis embodies the strengths of the feminine the capacity to feel deeply about relationships and the source of sustenance and protection.