This International Women's Day Mexico is organizing a national women's strike to send a message about the role that women play in society and to demand action against the Feminicides that are ravaging across society. An average of 10 women are killed every day and only minimal % of cases are ever investigated.
This is a call to the world to stand in solidarity with Mexico this 8th and 9th of March. On the 9th of March in what could be the boldest women’s rights action since the #MeToo campaign many of Mexico’s 21 million registered female workers are expected to stay home from work or school on Monday to protest gender violence.
Use the hashtags in your own languages feel free to share/repost this image talk about it. We must mobilize international shame against the Mexican government whose system of justice and protection is flawed corrupt and rotten. I suggest listening to a video by Cookie G on youtube titeled "A DAY WITHOUT WOMEN" where she talks about the issues surrounding this topic. As she said in her video: "While the rest of the world is fighting fir equal pay women in mexico are fighting for survival...Knowledge is power and the more people that know the more momentum there will be and the more momentum there will be the more strenght we have to fight the system that oppresses and normalizes murder." #UnDíaSinNosotras #ParoNacional #SupportYourMexicanSisters #ApoyaATusHermanasMexicanas #SoutenezVosSoersMexicaine #SoporteSuaslrmãsMexicanas