Morana and Vesna. Slavic goddesses representing the cycle of life and death.
Forever intertwined Morana goddess of winter and death and Vesna goddess of spring and rebirth could not exist without each other. However they could not possibly exist in the same place at the same time either. They are the forces that kept the ancient Slavic world turning in a cycle of death and rebirth. One goddess loved for her beauty and bounty the other feared and hated for her ugliness and darkness. To most Morana appeared as the withered old woman with an ugly face however it is said that to those who were not afraid of her she would appear as the beautiful maiden. As the opposite of Morana Vesna is depicted as beautiful full of life and fertile.
I've illustrated it in a way that the image could be rotated depending on which goddess currently rules. Since we are approaching winter I've placed Morana upright. If bought as a print there is also an option to get it without the text below so the image could be rotated throughout the year.