Swallow. The swallow was one of the birds often used to represent the Egyptian ba (soul) and it was believed that deceased people could return as swallows. The bird was also depicted riding in the prow of Ra's solar boat and Isis was said to change into a swallow at night. Because swallows nest in or near houses the Romans considered them sacred to household deities. It was considered good luck to have a swallow build its nest on your house.
Swallows are birds of the home nesting under our roofs and in chimneys. Light a candle in their honor for bringing security warmth and protection to your shared abode. Represent these birds on your Ostara altar to welcome the return of spring and the renewal of the green world. Call on swallow to boost spells relating to love fertility and family. Swallow also brings powerful energy for manifesting what you desire and for reversing spells. Swallow fosters healing energy and can be called upon to grace circle gatherings for this purpose.
To connect with the energy of swallow and swift go outside at dusk gaze up at the sky and with your arms out to the sides turn in circles. Visualize whirling and circling above the trees and rooftops with speed and apility. Stop spinning but continue to hold vour arms out to the sides. If you feel dizzy sit on the ground but keep your arms up. Close your eyes and inmagine a flight of swallows or a flock of switts above you When they begin to fly lower atound you encircling you with their light they are ready to connect with you.