Handmade with love in Estonia, available in limited quantity.
This small shrine can be hung on your wall to bless your home, or placed on any table-top, whether it be your tv table, next to your bed, or anywhere else!
The engraved circle in front is suitable for a standard tea-candle. You can also place water or other offerings there, the possibilities are endless!
Made from high quality plaster that looks and feels like clay.
Samhain (October 31 - November 1): Marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter, Samhain is considered the Witches' New Year. It's a time to honor ancestors and loved ones who have passed. The veil between worlds is believed to be thinnest during this time. It corresponds with what we know today as Halloween.
Yule (December 21 - 22): Celebrated at the Winter Solstice, Yule marks the longest night and the rebirth of the Sun. It is a festive time of hope and celebration, often observed with decorations of holly, mistletoe, and Yule logs. Today we know it as Christmas.
Imbolc (February 1 - 2): Imbolc signifies the midpoint between winter and spring. Traditionally, it is a time to honor the Celtic goddess Brigid and celebrate the increasing strength of the sun and the coming of spring.
Ostara (March 21 - 22): Coinciding with the Spring Equinox, Ostara celebrates the balance of day and night. It's a festival of fertility, celebrating new life and growth, often symbolized by eggs and rabbits. This today has become Easter.
Beltane (April 30 - May 1): Beltane marks the beginning of summer and is traditionally a fire festival. It celebrates fertility, love, and the blossoming of life. It's a time for igniting desires and dreams, often celebrated with maypole dances.
Litha (June 21 - 22): Celebrated on the Summer Solstice, Litha is the longest day of the year. It is a time of light, abundance, and the celebration of the sun at its peak power, often observed with bonfires and a connection to nature. Today it is known as Midsummers.
Lughnasadh (August 1 - 2): This festival marks the beginning of the harvest season. It is a time to give thanks for abundance and share with others. Traditionally, it is associated with the Celtic god Lugh and involves feasts, games, and the first harvests like grains and fruits.
Mabon (September 21 - 22): Occurring at the Autumn Equinox, Mabon is a time of balance, reflection, and thanksgiving. It's a celebration of the second harvest and a time to prepare for the coming winter months