Willow. Willow is above all a healer with a gentle touch. Native Americans call her "the whispering one" because of the way the breeze plays through her branches. In Celtic areas she is associated with the harp the most ethereal of instruments and with the gentle soul of the poet. The blessings of willow were a part of ancient Celtic ceremonies. At Lughnasad (also called Lammas this festival begins approximately August 1 and celebrates the first fruits of the harvest) milk pails were entwined with ribbons flowers and willow twigs and carried in procession. Willow was hung over the hearth to bless it and to ensure healthy cattle.
Music that is played on a Willow harp has the ability to move us and loosen our ties to mundane existence. We are transfixed by willow's otherworldly beauty. Willow heals our spiritual pain as she heals our bodily ills with her gentle healing touch.
The willow tree has a long history of symbolism rooted in spirituality and cultural traditions. One of the most valuable traits of the willow tree is its flexibility. The willow tree is one of the few trees that is capable of bending in outrageous poses without snapping. This can be a powerful metaphor for those of us seeking recovery or a spiritual path. The message of the willow tree is to adjust with life rather than fighting it surrendering to the process.